Thursday, July 31, 2008

New address

We were successful in finding a temporary place to stay. I signed the papers yesterday and we moved in last night - a 2BR, 2bath completely furnished apartment right here in town. It's about halfway between our house and Leah's, right next to the Fareway, which is kind of convenient. :)

Anyway, keep using our regular address and phone, etc. I'm going to call Mediacom today and see if I can sweet-talk them into moving our internet/phone/cable over to the apartment for 2 months so we don't have to pay double.

Tomorrow (Friday) the "movers" are coming to extract every single thing we own and move it to a storage facility in DM. I didn't know they were doing that until yesterday so now I'm kind of frantically packing stuff to take to the apartment and labeling stuff I don't want them to throw away (a lot of our photo albums and our wedding album were upstairs and are now covered in soot.) Everything I don't label they're going to try to clean and if it's too much work they'll just throw it away, so I also grabbed as many of Sean's transformers as I could find and all the baby toys - they said anything plastic like that would likely just get tossed and they wouldn't bother cleaning all of Grace's dolls so if we want to keep them we need to take them out of here today.

Sean has a doctor appointment in Iowa City tomorrow so I can't be here so that will be weird, to just come home to a completely empty house! Poor Shadow. We still haven't really figured out what to do with him yet.

We still have not yet received our clean clothes from the dry cleaners so I'm hoping to also call them so we can have some clothes back! There is a ton of storage at the apartment so that will be so awesome to keep some of our own belongings there, where we know it won't get smoky. I'm afraid all the clothes we've been wearing all week are probably going to have to be thrown away they're so dirty and smoky.

Anyway, I will post more if I can think of anything, but I just wanted to let y'all know that we do have a place to stay for the 2 months and that our insurance is still taking really good care of us. The movers are coming tomorrow, then the construction starts on Monday (hopefully) and the cleaners will probably wait until towards the end to come clean the house and make it smell better.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!


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