Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Vibrating Watch

Just a quickie to let you all know Sean started using his new vibrating watch today. It came in the mail yesterday and it was surprisingly easy to program. I set the alarms for first thing in the morning, before each recess, at the end of the school day, and a couple of times in the evening, so we'll see if it makes any difference. There are "testimonies" on the website (http://www.bedwettingstore.com/Watches/item_vibrowatch.htm) about kids being completely dry within a couple of weeks and I think Sean is at the point where his incontinence is 95% habit/behavior and only about 5% physical so hopefully this pushes him over the edge.

So far he's pretty excited about it, and this morning he even asked if this works and he's able to stay dry if we can maybe try one of the bed alarms so he can learn how not to go in the middle of the night too. That kind of surprised us because he's never really cared about staying dry overnight, but we're definitely not going to complain! We told him we want to work on staying dry during the day first and then we'll talk about that later.

Anyway, I'll let ya know! We had to get labs last week and still haven't heard any results so I'm sure I'll have to post in a few days again anyway. :)

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