Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Vacation

We've actually been out of school for a couple of weeks already but it's been kind of a struggle to find time to get on my own computer. Mark and I both stopped working at the same time the kids got out of school so we went from everybody being gone every day to everybody being home all the time! Kind of a big adjustment. It was kind of hectic at first with everyone wanting to do different things but I finally stepped in and typed up a "summer schedule" as an attempt to somewhat control the chaos. I tried to post a picture of it to show you the little icons. Jacob especially likes the swimming picture. :)

Anyway, I mostly just wanted to share two things: first, that Mark's job ended way sooner than we were hoping so he's home full time again, and second, that Sean is continuing to make great progress in the bladder control department.

Not sure what to say about the job thing. Mark was told the temp job he had would last a few months, but since he was able to just jump right in and already knew the program they were using it seems like he worked a little too quickly and he got the department all caught up and there was nothing left for him to do! I've been trying to make sure he has the computer all to himself on Mondays so he can look through the classifieds but he says that doesn't help if there aren't any listings. He's just not finding any leads at all. The local Wal-Mart is renovating in a few weeks so he's thinking about working construction for them for a while, but that doesn't really help us with health insurance and obviously it wouldn't be enough money either. Unfortunately Mark's unemployment is running out (they actually haven't paid anything since his job ended in May so we're not sure if there's anything left or not) and the student loans won't let us defer any more and we have one of those infamous ARM loans on our house that's due to go up in September so we are kind of starting to freak out a little. It's fun having Dad home to go for walks and go swimming and stuff, but he's miserable and he needs to get out of the house!

Sean is doing VERY well since getting out of school. I was pretty sure that not being in school would stop all the progress we had made but he's doing okay. He's had quite a few accidents since he doesn't have Mrs. Nielson reminding him to go potty at certain times, but he's getting there and he is wearing underwear almost all the time. Every once in a while I'll catch him trying to put on a pull-up but he seems to understand that's not allowed anymore. I've noticed that Grace is already going a few hours without peeing during the afternoon and she knows when she needs a new diaper (and sometimes takes it off herself!) so it might be kind of embarrassing for him when his 2-year-old sister has fewer accidents than he does. It's so weird how boys and girls are so different at this age. I didn't even THINK of trying to potty train until Jacob was 3 and here Grace is 18 months and I'm looking for a potty chair for her.

I don't want to push my luck that Grace's nap will last long enough to type more, so I'm going to quit and try to add some pictures. I don't like putting too many up here because it makes the page load too slow so if you want to see more, feel free to look me up on Facebook. I have some really cute pictures of Jacob at his "Pioneer Days" where the class had to dress up like Pioneers and learn how to crochet, quilt and make their own candles.


p.s. If you usually read this blog so you can find out how to pray for Sean, can I ask if you can maybe pray for Mark this time? We know his A.D.D. is a big factor in why he doesn't seem to fit in at some workplaces (which is obviously not something he can control) but he has been very down on himself lately. It's very frustrating to him that God would bless him with certain skills and abilities in a field where most people are very organized and "type A" but then also let him struggle so much with his A.D.D. Unlike in the past, when Sean was born and we were dealing with all that stress, Mark is very open and patient this time - simply waiting for some heavenly direction. He's considered other fields of work and other locations and he feels very strongly that we are supposed to stay in Indianola (we are all very happy here, despite the recent money issues) but he's frustrated by the lack of leads here too. I don't think we care where we live or what kind of career either one of us has, but it is getting very difficult supporting a family of five on sporadic unemployment checks. :) Thank you and God bless!